Board of Supervisors

David Peet – Chairman
Rebecca Keiper – Vice Chairman
Dale Porreca – Supervisor

Secretary/Treasurer – Teri Field                                                                            Email:     

Open Records Officer

Teri Field                                                                                    


Dreher Township will not honor RTKL requests from anonymous sources.

Zoning Officer

Michael Kolvek

Building Inspectors

Building Inspections Underwriters
George Stefanski
Email: 570-344-9681
Hours: Tuesdays 9:30-11am

Sewage Enforcement Officer

Gary Enslin
Phone: 570-241-8743

Tax Collector

Teri Field                                                                                       Phone: 272-336-7635                                                                Email:                                                          PO Box 463, Newfoundland PA 18445

           Click for Tax Details

Township Solicitor

Anthony J. Magnotta, Esquire  


Township Engineers

Kiley Associates
ATC Engineering


Board of Supervisors

EMA Coordinator

Allen Schiffler

Planning Commission

Louis Palazzi – Chair
Jerry McLain
Peter Pardi                                                                                        Donn Gross                                                                                        George Rios

Zoning Hearing Board

Richard Smith
James Lee
Edward Holewa
Alternate: Vacant

Community Planning and Development

Carson Helfrich

Greene-Dreher Volunteer Fire Association

460 Crestmont Drive
PO Box 111
Newfoundland PA 18445
Phone: 570-676-4207
Dial 911 for emergency

Newfoundland Area Ambulance Association

441 Crestmont Drive
PO Box 222
Newfoundland PA 18445
Phone: 570-676-4142
Dial 911 for emergency